Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I just wanted to clarify a point from my blog about Terry's tirate on Saturday....

His comment that he has been carrying me for 15 years is so not true....

My car payment is in my name and I pay it every month....I pay my portion of the car insurance.... I pay for the high speed internet since he can't even figure out how to turn a computer on.....We have no land line so I have my own cell phone that I pay for....I pay 1/2 the rent and a portion of the electricity and cable bill....Even though I am not the one who keeps it at 64 degrees all summer.....

I buy all my own groceries and cook for myself.....I pay for everything I do or own so how the hell is that him supporting me???

Yes he has occasionally taken my car to get the oil changed or had new tires put on when it isn't pay week but I pay him back when I get paid....

Yes he did give me a TV 1 year and a recliner another year as gifts but apparently he does not see them as gifts now....

He jumped on me buying the cable to hook up my IPad to my TV but it was only $30 and besides if I am paying my bills and my part of the joint bills what right does he have to say how I spend my paycheck???

Also I am the one who had to turn the living room into my bedroom so he could have the master bedroom.....I am the one who gave up privacy.....

So bottom line how is all this him supporting me??? He does not do that financially or emotionally!!!!!

Sorry just had to get that off my chest.....The last thing I want any of you thinking is that I am living off him....


Little Dave said...

You're a Prisoner...

Lady Babe said...

Yes I am..... Now if only my knight in shining armor were available....